Group studying


Digital Wellbeing as a crucial element to excelling at the workplace in a healthful and sustainable way


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the National Agency and Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.



In an age when our lives are being consumed with technology, digital wellbeing at the workplace is perhaps the most crucial element of the wellbeing agenda, particularly as it encapsulates aspects of both physical and mental wellbeing.

Group studying


WP1: Project Management

WP2: Mapping the scene of digital wellbeing at the workplace

WP3: The DigiWell qualification VET training model including: DigiWell Curriculum for VET trainers, the DigiWell VET trainer’s Handbook, the Digital Wellness Manager profile, the DigiWell core standards review system APP

WP4: DigiWell Training Course for VET trainers and Pilots

WP5: DigiWell Communication and Dissemination

Online Video Conference Webinar Call

Target groups


Group 1

VET trainers, coaches, educators, and mentors involved in vocational education and training towards the development of the knowledge, skills and key competences of professionals.

Group 2

Employers, C-Suite, line-managers from companies, enterprises, organizations, etc. in search of innovative interventions towards the promotion of the physical and mental health of employees in the frames of Digital Wellbeing in the workplace.

Group 3

Business consultants, workers in decision and policymaking, entrepreneurs, and unemployed people wanting to develop competences for the new professional profile of the Digital Wellbeing Manager.

Project Timeline

Timeline concept: Hourglass on computer keyboard background





Main Results

Group studying

DigiWell Mapping the scene of digital wellbeing

Bible Study

Digital Wellbeing qualification VET training model

University Students Studying Together

DigiWell Training Course for VET trainers and Pilots

Startup Community - Smilling people

DigiWell Communication and Disseminationion

Project Partners

BGE Ile Conseil

For 30 years, BGE has opted to encourage initiatives and support business and business creation. Support through advice and training for those who undertake is the core business.

Its aim is also the willing to move from an approach based on non-profit towards a real logic of social entrepreneurship.

Being efficient and innovative, knowing how to anticipate and adapt is more necessary than ever to continue a human adventure - that of the entrepreneurs who create and grow VSEs, which represent 95% of the Corsican economic fabric.

The values of BGE: solidarity, initiative, professionalism, sustainable development, the achievement of people, innovation.

Its main tasks:

  • ENTREPRENEURSHIP: Entrepreneurship, innovation, job creation,
  • PROFESSIONAL INTEGRATION: Professional retraining, reintegration, building your project, job search.


STANDO LTD (STANDOutEdu) is a research and educational organisation based in Cyprus, dedicated to the advancement of research and innovation. We are, at the same time, an approved VET Centre accredited by the Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus. The strength of our enterprise primarily lies in our highly qualified team and its extended network of international partners. STANDO LTD has 9 full-time staff, 10 part-time and more than 20 volunteers.

Our dynamic and experienced academics, researchers and practitioners are committed in implementing large scale co-funded projects and collaborate with organizations from Cyprus and around the world.

We actively participate in the planning and implementation of national and international projects, aiming at providing innovative solutions that facilitate the development of people and the cohesion of societies. Since 2016, we are providing a series of professional and academic trainings under the scope of Erasmus+ KA1 and KA2, as well as courses, seminars and consulting services to various target groups (children, students, youths, teachers, policy makers, parents, and adults), learners and staff of Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers and Adult Centres.


GESEME is a Spanish organization specialized since 1996 in medicine, health, safety, psychotherapy, sports, training and healthy lifestyles.

We have an intensive profitable activity and a team of 275 full time employees (medical doctors, physiotherapists, psychologists, therapists, occupational health specialists, medical nurses, educational experts, etc.).

GESEME is providing specialized services for:

·Tailored Vocational Educational Trainings in Occupational health and safety, Active ageing, Health and wellbeing


·Art therapy, Mindfulness

·Coaching for balancing the professional life with the personal one

·Online Corporate health platforms, Campaigns for healthy habits

·Health Surveillance

·Occupational Safety

·Sport Medicine, Physiotherapy

With the main headquarter in Barcelona, GESEME has 17 offices across Spain (Madrid, Valencia, Malaga, Girona, Granollers, Zaragoza, Gijon, Santiago de Compostela, Jerez de la Frontera, etc.), aiming by 2025 to establish an office in each of the remaining Spanish regions.

Sosiaalipedagogiikan säätiö

Sosped Foundation is a non-governmental welfare organization operating in the social and health sector. The mission of Sosped is to support and promote wellbeing and recovery through social and peer support. The framework stems from social pedagogy and its holistic and relationship-centered approach to care and wellbeing.

Sosped has been working with peer-support since 1984.

The Foundation employs 40 employees and 200 volunteers, providing services based on peer support in over 20 cities across Finland and using communal tools like chat, phone etc. to offer services to citizens not living in those over 20 cities.

The projects administered by Sosped are targeted to people that have added barriers to participate in


Igor Vitale International srl

Igor Vitale International srl (IVI srl) is a SME and training company located in Foggia, Italy.

IVI srl has the goal to promote education and training through dedicated courses in the school education sector, higher education, vocational education and training, adult education, youth education.

The competences of IVI srl experts includes:

•Applied psychology: the experts of IVI srl are certified psychologists within depth experience in several fields of intervention including clinical psychology, art psychology, work & organizational psychology, social psychology, tourism psychology, and forensic psychology

•Psychometrics and research

•Digital Content Creation

•Videomaking and photography

•Corporate Social Responsibility

•Organization and implementation of Training Courses and International Congresses


SOSU Ostjylland is the second-largest social and health care college in Denmark. We provide different educational programs - as well as supplementary training of educated staff members - for social and health care institutions and home

care for elderly and disabled people. Besides we educate and train staff for kindergartens.

We continuously develop innovative pedagogic and didactic training material and organize work practice, and we work closely together with the employers in the field.

We have more than 25 years of experience in training and further education of care staff and since 2007, validation of prior learning has been a part of our activities.

We have about 150 full-time employed staff members and 20 external professionals connected to our daily praxis. The college has more than 800 full-time students, and about 2.000 professional caregivers participated in shorter or longer supplementary training courses.

Our students are in the age of 15 to 60 years old and have more than 50 different ethical and cultural backgrounds.


PNEVMA LLC is based in Sofia, Bulgaria, and is an educational and research organization. Our organization more specifically is focused on the field of training and education and specializes in research and development. Our excellent team is made up of experienced and skilled researchers, practitioners, academics, and volunteers with each and every one having a different educational background and professional experience. They all are committed to fostering social innovation that can bring positive change to local, national, regional, and global levels.

By promoting and developing active participation in research and education, PNEVMA LLC’s main vision is to be a well-established VET training center in Bulgaria with European recognition.

We aim to build a European Network to carry out cutting-edge research to respond and adapt to the complex and changing world needs to open pathways for new information, ideas, knowledge and technologies, but also to give a new dimension to education through ground-breaking teaching methods and professional development programs.


The Innovation Hive is a private non-profit organization, located in Larissa, Greece. Its main mission is bringing open innovation in different areas of the applications, based on the large partnership of stakeholders.

Through the creation of a symbiotic alliance between the society, the academia and the Industry, Innovation Hive’s goal is to find solutions to the new innovation challenges, to achieve Growth, Sustainability and maximize the impact to the society.

In order to achieve this goal, organization’s strategy is to conduct research and education as well as promote innovation by accomplishing the involvement of society, academia, industry and public sector with the use of co-creation methodologies and a quadruple helix approach

The organization is active in the fields of business and social innovation and its actions aiming to enhance the economic and social cohesion of European societies through the development and implementation innovation-driven methodologies and technological tools.

Follow us for up-to-date information!

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